Tuesday 4 January 2011

Storm on the Island - Seamus Heaney

Key Themes
Storm on the Island is a simple poem describing the destructive force of a storm, and how we feel fear towards it even though we cannot see it, or hear it, but yet we still fear it. The themes are natural power, fear and isolation, and man's relationship with nature.

Key Techniques
Heaney uses blank verse, enjambment, caesura (a deliberate pause), assomance (the repition of similar vowels), an oxymoron, similes and metaphors. The whole poem is in one stanza, as the storm is continous and relentless.

Lines 1-5
There is a repition of the word 'we' in the first line. This sets a sense of community, saying that the people on the island and secure, and are in it together. It then states how the community are prepared for the storm, with squat, sturdy houses, with robust rooves and walls. In line 2 there is an assomance of the words 'roof' and 'good'. The use of the word 'wizened' describing the earth is interesting, as it means old, feeble, but also wise and experienced. Nothing grows on the island, so there is nothing on the island that can be destroyed by the oncoming storm. There is a caesura on the first line, a deliberate pause after the word prepared.  At the end of lines one and two, there are breaks, commas or full stops. The rest uses enjambment, to make the poem flow continously. This contrasts because the first lines are preparation, after that it is the effects of the storm.

Lines 6-10
'Full blast' is a strong piece of enjambment, imposing a sense of the unexpected. Caesuras are common in these lines. It uses a coversational tone, 'you know what I mean'. This makes is personal, and reassuring. He talks about how there are no trees or foliage around him, he feels isolated, and seeks reassurance. He refers to 'tragic chorus', suggesting this storm keeps repeating and continuing just the same as before. The wind is personified, 'it pummels your house' described violently.

Line 11-19
The repitition of the word 'no' in 'no trees, no shelter' makes the poet seem even more isolated. An powerful oximoron is used, the waves 'exploding comfortably'. This shows the power of the sea, but also that the situation is not extraordinary. More caesuras are used. The analagy of the sea being a tame cat turned savage is effective, is says that the sea and weather were nice and normal, but suddenly turned vicious and evil. The word 'spit' is onomatopoeia and personification, and gives the readers imagery about the sea's movements. There are numerous references to warfare and conflict, such as 'bombard', 'strafe' and 'dives'. This makes the storm seem very poweful, a force to be reckoned with. The last line is a reflection, stating how we are afraid of something we cannot see, only feel the effects. The oximoron 'huge nothing' makes an effective mockery of this.


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